Melon the Human: far more skilled at circus than he appears and accompanied with dry, awkward wit. Specialising in object manipulation, Melon has left audiences around the world stunned with his juggling finesse of unique objects including the broom and cube.
Melon emerged in 2015 as a creation of Thomas Stewart, a Brisbane born secondary teacher who became a street performer. Since then, he’s taken his odd performance styles to both streets and stage all around the world.
Currently at the Pink Flamingo - Gold Coast.
Whether at a festival or on the streets, people start to gather the moment the music starts and Melon steps inside his cube. A 25-45 minute show that builds crowds and keeps them using comedy, object manipulation, flexibility and mime. Performed in English or silent with a dubstep soundtrack.
Notable appearances - Edinburgh Fringe 2017/2018 (UK), Izmir International Fair 2018 (TUR), Buskers by the Creek 2016 (AUS).
All the acts Melon performs can be modified to accommodate and fit into larger shows, either as Melon or something else. Regardless, he always catches audiences off guard with his unique characterisations combined with spectacular circus skills. Acts can be performed in English or silent.
Notable appearances - Cirque du Soleil @sea (EU), The Box Soho (UK), GOP - Brodowy’s Broadway (GER), Circus Rio (AUS).